Stuck in loading screen after going down

Issue #160 resolved
kirni created an issue

I tried to go down a level. However I got stuck in the loading screen. After a while I have been able to access the inventory and interact. I can hear that I am smashing stuff when pressing the arrow keys manually. I added a video to make it more clear.

Comments (9)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    The video looks strange… so you double-clicked the executable and then directly got this loading screen? Are you sure the game wasn’t still running in the background?

  2. kirni reporter

    sorry I did not notice that the beginning is confusing.

    Snagit, the capture tool I use seems to change the focus away from ADOM when starting a video capture. I started the capture on my second monitor and changed to focus back to ADOM. You can only see my main screen in the capture, so it looks like I just start the exe.

    I have been playing for a few hours and got stuck when I tried to go down a level. Since I still was able to somewhat interact (inventory, hearing footsteps when moving,..), my intention was to show it an a video.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    Ah, ok… I guess you reached the end of the game. Which doesn’t seem to be handled correctly. Sorry, will be fixed soon! 😉

  4. kirni reporter

    ok, makes sense. I though it might be something different - in the last version the game crashed to deny my victory 🙃

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