Magma / Water warning

Issue #198 open
Yoti created an issue

Might be on purpose, but a warning before stepping into water / magma as in ADOM would be nice.

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Gaines

    I don't believe that it is still possible to accidentally run into lava, etc. So I am guessing that this can be marked as resolved.

  2. Robert Gaines

    Apparently I am crazy. I recall trying to step into lava and it took two key presses before the character stepped into it, but I just tried it again and that was not the case. It is possible that there was just some input lag the first time I attempted it.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    Well, there is no “warning” that’s why I reopened the issue. I need to discuss this with Thomas (i.e. if we want to add a warning or not).

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