Error when attacking animated wall in kobold level 1

Issue #214 closed
Grond created an issue

Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos
Version 0.1.3 - 5/20/2020 2:05:18 PM

Error during HandleGfxEvent DamageCausedBeing

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Game.Common.Map.CombatManager.UpdateBeingHitpoints (Game.Common.Map.Being.BeingObject beingObject, System.Boolean isVisible, System.Int32 maxHp, System.Int32 hp, System.Int32 damage) [0x0003c] in <fb68d844704a49849b8e4a1bbe7a0bf5>:0
at Game.Common.Map.CombatManager.DamageCausedCallback (Game.Common.Game.GfxEventQueue.Events.IGfxEvent gfxEvent) [0x00065] in <fb68d844704a49849b8e4a1bbe7a0bf5>:0
at Game.Common.Game.GfxEventQueue.GfxEventQueueHandler.AdvanceGfxEventQueue () [0x0008a] in <fb68d844704a49849b8e4a1bbe7a0bf5>:0

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