Request for Item Comparison

Issue #290 new
Matt Fletcher created an issue

Request for UI Interface option in Inventory screen to show an item comparison window to compare the currently selected inventory item with the currently equipped item of the same type if it can be equipped/worn.

Comments (4)

  1. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    Actually we are still looking for a good idea on how to do this. The UI problems are the following:

    • Tooltips can get huge. So there might be lots of things to show.
    • You can have multiple limbs. Assume you have four arms each equipping a melee weapon. Now you hover over another melee weapon: Five tooltips definitely will not fit the window.

    We might consider just showing the essential data in comparison (like to-hit/to-damage/dice for weapons, DV/PV for armor) but then you wouldn’t be able to compare special qualitities.

    More feedback welcome as technically we are able to implement the comparison but we still need to find a way that is really helpful enough to the players.

  2. Matt Fletcher reporter

    My initial thought when requesting was to allow a player to when clicking an item in the inventory to also also then to select 1 already equipped item and the comparison view will show the comparison between those two items and allow the player to scrolls or click through any pages of different stats/properties to compare. Though it could also allow the player to scroll/click through the current player arms or comparable equipped items. So that way it would only need to show one equipped item and one non-equipped item to compare.

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