[GSG][CoC] - The game becomes unresponsive on the black screen displayed during the boot-up sequence.

Issue #352 resolved
Former user created an issue

Build Version :0.5.3 When the player launches the game, it is observed that the game does not proceed ahead of the Assemble Entertainment title screen and enters an unresponsive state with a black screen.

Note: The player can use Alt+Enter to change the window mode of the game. This is observed for only one machine and Dxdiag for the same has been attached for reference.

Expected Result: The game should proceed successfully ahead of the boot-up sequence and allow the player to access the Main Menu.

Steps To Reproduce 1. Download the game and extract it to a folder. 2. Launch the game. 3. Allow the bootup sequence to complete. 4. Observe that the game becomes unresponsive on the black screen displayed during the boot-up sequence.

Comments (8)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    What happens if you click with the mouse or press a key after the Assemble video has finished playing?

    Could you please attach the ualog.txt file from the C:/<User>/Documents/Team ADOM/Ultimate ADOM/CavernsOfChaos/Default folder?

  2. djflippy

    This happened to me, as well, and it is reproducible. Nothing happens when I click, <Enter>, or <Tab> and <Enter>. The mouse cursor does change to your art. I wondered if the screen was scaling off my monitor, but I would have thought that <Enter> would have moved to the next screen, if so. My ualog.txt is attached above.

    I’m on an 5k iMac, 16GB memory, 4GHz processor, dual-boot capable, but this happened in MacOS (I’ll try Windows 10 next).

  3. Jesse Baker

    Similar experience in MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. I do not have a Windows installation on this machine.

    I believe my logfile is ~identical to the OP, but am attaching in case it brings value.

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    We've removed the FileSystemWatcher dependency (it was intented for test purposes only).

    We also improved the error handling so exceptions like this will now be visible in the UI instead of being listed in the logfile.

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