[GSG][PC][CoC] - Pressing F10 replaces the game assets on the map with special characters(#, @,!, etc)

Issue #369 resolved
Former user created an issue

When the player presses F10 key on the keyboard during the gameplay, it is observed that the game assets in the map are replaced with special characters(#, @,!, etc). F10 is described to change the display mode. Once this state is invoked, the normal game keeps getting stuck every now and then the player is forced to relaunch the game.

Expected Result: Changing the display mode pressing F10 should not display the special characters.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Proceed from Main Menu > Predefined Characters > Alynna and enter the Cavern.
  3. Progress in the dungeon while killing enemies.
  4. Press F10 to change the display mode.
  5. Observe that the game assets are replaced with special characters on the map.

Comments (2)

  1. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    Congratulations - you have found our ASCII mode :-)

    (P.S.: The "getting stuck" thing has been fixed)

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