[GSG][PC][CoC] - Equipping the butchered body parts displays a question mark in Alynna's hand for melee weapon.

Issue #370 new
Former user created an issue

As soon as Alynna butchers a corpse that is in her backpack, an error pops up. After proceeding ahead of the error, the butchered body parts are added to the inventory/ backpack. When Alynna equips any of the butchered body parts as a melee weapon, it is observed that she holds a big question mark in her hand.

Expected Result: The equipped butchered body part should be displayed in Alynna's hand instead of a question mark.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Proceed from Main Menu > Predefined Characters > Alynna and enter the Cavern.
  3. Progress and kill some enemies and collect a corpse after killing an enemy.
  4. Then butcher the corpse by invoking the action menu and continue ahead of the error screen.
  5. Now open the inventory and equip the on of the butchered body part as a melee weapon.
  6. Observe that the butchered body part is displayed as a question mark in Alynna's hand.

Attachment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ynjqoh0kei224s6/butchered_corpse.mp4?dl=0

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