Cannot shoot adjacent enemies with ranged bow attacks even with the skill that allows one to use ranged bow attacks while adjacent to a hostile enemy

Issue #380 resolved
Former user created an issue

It is worth noting that when you have the aforementioned skill you can ranged attack non-adjacent enemies when you are adjacent to hostile enemies. As such, I'm not sure if this one is a bug or a design decision but I figured it was worth posting just in case.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Gaines

    I can attest that this is still in 0.8.3. If this is a design choice it greatly impacts the viability of bow users and really forces characters to focus on spell casting, so that they can deal with Karmic Lizards, etc. Personally, I feel that ranged weapons should be usable “point blank” without any skills - instead of not functioning, they should just incur a penalty. The skills could be used to reduce the penalty.

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