Unable to interact after switching statistics configuration

Issue #39 resolved
kirni created an issue

After switching trough the various statistics configurations I am not able interact with the game anymore. WSAD, arrowkeys, mouse, f, ESC all have no effect.

But I can still navigate trough the statistics configurations and access the inventory / skilltree / etc.

Attached a video to make it more clear.

Comments (7)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    You need to move the mouse away from the statistics area after switching. Otherwise the mouse is still focussing the statistics and all input is redirected to that.

    This is also true for other areas like the toolbars at the bottom.

  2. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    Didn’t we once have an input handler implementation that allowed routing through the stack of handlers? So that effectively only those inputs would be stopped by the statistics area that also could be processed by it and all other inputs would get routed to the underlying handler? IMHO that would be a better approach to handle this than the current approach.

    We should discuss this.

  3. kirni reporter

    @Jochen Terstiege I am not sure what exactly you mean with moving the mouse away from the statistics. I tried clicking on the floor or objects. Is there something I should try in case this is happening again?

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    Yes, moving away the mouse from the statistics area should be enough.

    I’ve deactivated the additional input handler for the next release until we have a better idea on how to implement this.

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