Re-use menu order

Issue #419 new
Former user created an issue

I'm noticing as I play a spellcaster that the Re-use menu puts my 2nd last used spell -- the one I cast before I started repeating the spell that shows up -- at the top of the menu. But I often switch between two or three frequently used spells. I thought it'd be a nice quality of life UI thing if the the menu followed the order you did actions in from bottom to top so you didn't have to click at the top for your 2nd to last used action.

Comments (2)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    @Team ADOM GmbH I’ve reversed the order in the code, but then the cast spell action is shown as the “previous” action, followed by the spells I cast. So I guess AGE needs to handle this. ToolBarManagementSystem.GetOptionAtIndexOfLastOptionUsedQueue

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