Potions don't work

Issue #430 closed
Hijacker created an issue

Drinking potion of willpower (the purple bottle) actually gave me nothing, also the were no log message about this event.

The same problem has place for all (looks like) the potions of gaining stats.
I don’t know if it’s already should be working, but some of potions actually do something (i.e. potion of invisibility, berzio potion). So I consider this is a bug.

Comments (7)

  1. Hijacker reporter
    • changed version to 0.8.0

    Reproduced in 0.8.0.

    The potion of strength liquor’s “strength” attribute is modified by +2, from 0 to 2!

    Such a strong potion!

  2. Hijacker reporter
    • changed version to 0.8.2

    Reproduced in 0.8.2 with some addition. The line in the log remains the same: “The potion of dexterity juice’s “dexterity” attribute is modified by +2, from 0 to 2!” but it this version it looks like that I actually got my Dx +2

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