Character Models (Human, Elf, Dwarf)(Male,Female) not different enough

Issue #447 new
Former user created an issue

I actually kind of like the models, but I really cant see much of a difference between humans, elves and dwarves, male or female. There needs way more variation in the models, I've made many female characters that look like males, Dwarves that look human, Humans that look like Dwarves, and so on! Elves don't have pointy ears in ADOM?!?! oh and Elf features should look different from humans also, so maybe I'm nit picking but this breaks immersion for me. Please look into this, I want my characters to be as unique as possible.

The Ratlings look good! I like them, but could also use more variation, at least I can tell the difference between males and females though!


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