Lost an arm in chaos temple

Issue #457 new
Richard Stephenson created an issue

There was no text generated, but I lost an arm in the chaos temple. I checked the battle log and didn’t see any damage. I decided to just keep going and see what happens. When I left chaos temple my arm appeared to regrow, but the slot isn’t there. I did not cast the regeneration spell. Save attached.

From my experience in the battle, it looked like I was missed twice and then killed the creature and at the end of it I had lost an arm. The arm was not generated on the map to pick up, I just didn’t have it anymore.

Comments (1)

  1. Richard Stephenson reporter

    Just reposting to say the regeneration visual is still a thing in 0.8 – i lost an arm to a chaos tentacle, and upon going down a level my arm appeared to regrow even though i had not cast regeneration or tried to graft my arm back.

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