backpack looses slot when things equipped

Issue #484 resolved
Former user created an issue

Why does the backpack loses slots, when i equip things on my body ? That does make no sense and the10 and 20 % more backpack does not work. And btw.. the skill for using the sling in melee does not work..

I think; do not impletment things half, do it or do it not. So we EA-Tester dont use silly things that does not have a use or does not function yet.

Comments (3)

  1. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    I apologize for bugs but in this case this seems like a bug. Potentially. It would be good to know what you equipped and whether you equipped items from the ground. Because all items carried count against your carrying capacity.

    So if you e.g. equip four pieces of armor from the ground to your body, your backpack will lose four slots. Because you have picked up four additional items.

    The tooltips related to encumbrance (when you over over the encumbrance stat fields to the left) also explain the item limits you have to abide by.

    You are (sadly) absolutely right about the carrying capacity skills. They were bugged and now are fixed for the next release.

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