Game crash report after pressing spacebar multiple times

Issue #51 resolved
Samuel created an issue

I had just crossed the animated forest, gone down the stairs, killed two bugs, and then tried to wait to heal. Alternated between holding and repeatedly pressing spacebar (since I wasn't sure if holding space was supposed work and just bugging out a bit or not). A pop-up box said that the player action execution crashed. I clicked the copy to clip-board option (which I have pasted below). The game then continued, except that I no longer healed, and monsters no longer attacked me. I could still move around, destroy walls, interact with things and attack monsters, but the monsters no longer moved or attacked. I then tried to go up the stairs back to the animated forest, but when I went up the stairs, it went into a loading screen and just sat there. I then pressed escape, quit to main menu (which took a while in which time it still looked like it was trying to load the floor I was going to i.e. the loading screen didn’t change), and closed the game.

Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos
Version 0.1.0 - 4/23/2020 7:35:24 PM

Player action execution crashed.

Index was outside the bounds of the array.

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at System.Collections.Generic.Stack1[T].Pop () [0x0001c] in <ae22a4e8f83c41d69684ae7f557133d9>:0 at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.ZoneMaps.MapCell.PostprocessTarget (UA.Events.IEventTarget2[TET,TE] target, UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEvent ev) [0x00000] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.Events.EventDispatcher2[TT,TE].PropagateEvent (TE ev) [0x00088] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0 at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.ZoneMaps.MapCell.PropagateEvent (UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEvent ev) [0x0008d] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0 at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.Entity.PropagateEvent (UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEvent gameEvent) [0x001a7] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0 at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Components.Lib.PowerPointRecoveryComponent.PropagateEvent (UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEvent gameEvent) [0x0003d] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0 at UA.Events.EventDispatcher2[TT,TE].PropagateEvent (TE ev) [0x0007c] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.Entity.PropagateEvent (UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEvent gameEvent) [0x00231] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.Entity.PropagateEvent (UA.GameEngine.Events.GameEventType gameEventType) [0x00010] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.Actors.ActorSystem.PassTurn (UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.IEntity actingEntity) [0x000eb] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.GameCommands.GameCommandSystem+<>c__DisplayClass33_1.<ExecutePlayerAction>b__0 (UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.IEntity actor) [0x00089] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.Actors.ActorSystem.PassTurnForActor (UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.IEntity actor, System.Action1[T] act) [0x00192] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0 at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.GameCommands.GameCommandSystem.ExecutePlayerAction (UA.GameEngine.ECS.Entities.IEntity target, System.Action1[T] act) [0x000fe] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.GameEngine.ECS.Systems.GameCommands.GameCommandSystem.Wait () [0x00010] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0
at UA.Bus.UltimateUserInterfaceGameEngineServiceBus.ProcessTasks () [0x00081] in <1b60a9c6421c4f6eb0705714a4a5e863>:0

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