Mighty health regeneration nexus doesn't work

Issue #53 resolved
Grond created an issue

Stepped on the aforementioned dungeon feature at low health and didn’t get healed.

Comments (6)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    I think they are designed not to work every time you enter them. I guess Thomas can explain this better if this is intended or not. 😉

  2. Krzysztof Dycha

    I can see how this can be confusing…We might need different visual representation.
    Eg. right now I think there’s no effect when the MHRN activates.
    Also there must be a less-than-four-words appropriate name for this dungeon feature :P

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    It seems you have to enter them with the correct amount of moves. So it’s not like the MHRN is charging up and ready at some point. You have to make the correct number of steps which makes it hard to visualize.

    But maybe we can change the mechanism to a “charging” one? 🙂

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