Strange effect of potion of wonder juice

Issue #541 new
Hijacker created an issue

After drinking the potion I got message “suddenly knows the spell [ConeOfCold]”. It looks like the spell “Ice Dart”, but I already knew this spell before drinking! Actually, the potion of wonder juice did nothing.

Comments (3)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    Drinking the wonder juice lets you learn a random spell. And “ConeOfCold” is a different spell than “Ice Dart”. But I think it should not have been chosen randomly because it’s not implemented yet.

  2. Hijacker reporter

    Interesting, as I didn’t get any new spell at all.

    I agree that random spell learning can possibly result in strange situations – like learning “Fire Elemental” spell on the first levels of CoC.
    Just an idea – to learn the spell from the most discovered spell tree. Or least discovered. Or make the spell random but limit the number of uses (like in old ADOM).

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