PP regeneration numbers are a lie

Issue #579 resolved
Grond created an issue

Certain races get +3 PP every X turns. It doesn’t seem to be possible to regenerate more than 1 PP per turn.

Comments (6)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    I think the description is a bit misleading too.

    When looking at the “high elf” race, the descriptions says 3 PP recovery per 10 turns, but the definition says “1d2+1” PP per 10 turns.

    The game then actually only provides 1 PP per every 10 turns.

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    @Thomas The merge method of the PowerPointRecoveryComponent does not respect the “howMany” property, which then is reset to “1”.
    The same is true for the HitPointRecoveryComponent.

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