Misplacement of symbols in ASCII mode

Issue #58 new
Uriah Otting created an issue

While exploring in ASCII mode (which I found by accident) I came into a room with an urn in it. The symbol showed next to the stairs but when i hovered over it it didn’t list an urn there. I switched to graphical mode and it moved the urn to the corner of the room instead and it then appeared on mouse over of the location. Changing back to ASCII mode then showed the urn in the correct position.

Comments (3)

  1. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    @Jochen Terstiege Though I assigned this to you let’s talk about introducing the ASCII mode in the tutorial, too. We should explain both that and changing the perspective, too, so that people won’t only find it by accident.

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    We should probably show that F1 opens the controls help and there the stuff for switching display modes and cameras is listed.

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