GUI: Brannalbin, Male, Male, Dark Elf

Issue #603 resolved
Hijacker created an issue

Have a look at the “Current selection” label in the bottom of the panel – the gender is doubled.

Sorry, I didn’t manage to create instruction how to reproduce it normally. It happens sometimes when clicking “Go Back” and selecting stuff. After some iterations when I go back to the “Select gender” screen, the previously selected gender (Male) just don’t vanish.

Comments (12)

  1. Hijacker reporter

    Looks like some Back button quick clicking relates to the bug. Have a look at new screenshot, please. Brannalbin is already selected on the faction selection screen.

  2. Hijacker reporter

    How to do it with keyboard from the main menu:
    D (custom character)
    SPACE, SPACE (to pass the intro pictures)
    Z Z – very fast. And you will get to faction selection screen with faction selected, which is already the bug, as we should be on another screen.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    They work, but if you used the mouse (e.g. you clicked to close the intro screens) you have to use “tab” first to activate them to work again.

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    In the next update the selection will always be active when entering this screen (even when mouse was used before). It’s more intuitive this way.

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