Infinite time creating level

Issue #617 resolved
Christopher Grandbois created an issue

I entered a tunnel on floor 3 and it loaded indefinitely. I have a memory dump i took of the game process but I can’t upload it due to size restrictions.

Comments (4)

  1. Christopher Grandbois reporter

    Also took a quick look at the stack trace, but I’m not familiar with Unity processes so I’ll leave those below;

    Child-SP RetAddr Call Site

    00 000000aee59cfa48 00007ffb144f86c6 win32u!NtUserGetMessage+0x14
    01 000000aee59cfa50 00007ffac5457a05 user32!GetMessageA+0x46
    02 000000aee59cfab0 00007ffa9949c9db gameoverlayrenderer64!OverlayHookD3D3+0x22b85
    03 000000aee59cfae0 00007ffa994a1b02 UnityPlayer+0x52c9db
    04 000000aee59cfb50 00007ffa994a2a1b UnityPlayer+0x531b02
    05 000000aee59dfdf0 00007ff6090211f2 UnityPlayer!UnityMain+0xb
    06 000000aee59dfe20 00007ffb12e27034 Ultimate_ADOM___Caverns_of_Chaos+0x11f2
    07 000000aee59dfe60 00007ffb14a02651 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
    08 000000aee59dfe90 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

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