Quickaction bar doesn't update

Issue #630 new
Richard Stephenson created an issue

I have a healing juice potion which I’ve combined with other healing juice potions to make more powerful. I bound the potion to the quickaction bar, but when I combined it to make it more powerful again the quickbar picture still displays “2” rather than “3” next to the potion of healing juice, and I can’t rebind that slot with the same potion that is now more powerful.

Comments (4)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    I’m not even sure if you are supposed to be able to combine healing potions with other healing potions.

  2. Richard Stephenson reporter

    Oh, well… lol. It’s easy to reproduce – just drag and drop the same potion over another potion. At first I read it as stacking, but then one use made the potion disappear. I thought maybe it made it stronger? but I wasn’t paying attention and testing it. I did it with a potion of healing juice.

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