Loading stalls and saves

Issue #631 wontfix
Richard Stephenson created an issue

Since 0.9 I’ve had to restart the same character from older manual saves several times. Usually the game stalls out during a load when I alt-tab, even though I’m playing in windowed mode. I’m guessing that the auto-save feature doesn’t kick in or something when this crash occurs. It looks like a memory leak to me because with 20 gigs of RAM Ultimate ADOM was using about 12 gigs when this occurred 😃

Wondering if you could at least put the auto-save feature event before you begin loading the next level, so that we don’t have to both manually and auto-save along the way, thus making the gameplay slower.

Comments (7)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    Can you please upload the ualog.txt file when this happens? I’ve never seen this behaviour. Also there is no “auto-save” right now.

    When you alt-tab out of the game, it basically stops.

  2. Richard Stephenson reporter

    Not a problem. I’m going to create a separate thread to upload the file because the text dump was relatively large. I’ll put my save file there too. (EDIT: I can only load up 1 file at a time. I’ll just do 2 threads)

    I recreated the effect by loading the character and alt-tabbing to my browser while the file loaded, then alt-tabbed back shortly after. Then I waited for a few minutes – basically longer than any save-game load that’s been successful has taken before – and force shut down the program.

    And, OK. I wasn’t sure.

    Just for things like this it’d be nice to implement before major transitions and loads – or, if possibly, trying to recall the state prior to a break and saving it or something along those lines. Obviously you’d still auto-delete upon death, this would just help with avoiding the frustrating scenario of having to re-do things with your character due to a crash.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    You can attach files easily by using the “More” button on the top right.

    I’ve checked the saved game and it’s broken. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it. It looks like a room on one of the maps got damaged, but it’s hard to tell how.

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    The next update will go back to the main menu in case a saved game fails to load. This didn’t work correctly before.

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