[GSG][PC] - Life Draining touch does not life steal as intended.

Issue #649 resolved
Former user created an issue

Version: 1.0.0

While progressing in the gameplay and unlocking the spell ' Life Draining touch ' and encountering an enemy. Notice that using the spell on an enemy does not heal the character as intended.

Expected result: The spell should heal the user the intended amount as mentioned in the spell description. Repro: 5/5 Steps To Reproduce

  1. Launch the title.
  2. Choose any character and progress in gameplay.
  3. Unlock 'Life-Draining Touch' spell from the Death Magic skill tree.
  4. Encounter an enemy and take damage from it.
  5. Use the 'Life-Draining Touch' spell on the enemy.
  6. Notice that the spell does not heal the character.

Issue video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yqcwgpkw1zomuc4/Life%20no%20drain.mp4?dl=0

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