[GSG][PC]- Game soft crashes after completing 4th rank in the Church of the Eternal Sun faction and starting a new game

Issue #651 resolved
Former user created an issue

Version: 1.0.0

When the player unlocks the 4th rank of the faction Church of the Eternal sun and starts a new game with the same faction it is observed that the game soft crash and redirects to the main menu.

Video- https://www.dropbox.com/s/7q2j3zby8h2x4ms/coc_softcrash.mp4?dl=0

Expected Result: The player should be able to proceed to the gameplay after selecting the faction Church of the Eternal Sun of the 4th rank.

Repro rate: 5/5. Steps To Reproduce

  1. Launch the title.
  2. Select the faction Church of the Eternal Sun and proceed to gameplay.
  3. Unlock the 4th rank for the faction Church of the Eternal Sun.
  4. Go to main menu and start a new game with the same character and faction.
  5. Observe the soft crash which redirects to the main menu.

Video- https://www.dropbox.com/s/7q2j3zby8h2x4ms/coc_softcrash.mp4?dl=0

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