[GSG][PC] - Character stops auto exploration after encountering open door in maze of madness level.

Issue #653 resolved
Kedar Sane created an issue

Build version: 1.0.0

While progressing on the level 'maze of madness' using auto-exploration, it is observed that if any opened metal doors are encountered, the auto exploration stops with a floating notification that says 'Closed Door'.

Expected result: Open doors should not stop auto exploration.

Repro: 5/5

Steps To Reproduce

    1. Launch the title.
  • Select any character and progress.
  • Find and enter the 'maze of madness' level.
  • Locate the metal doors and open all of them.
  • Start auto exploration and observe that the character stops at the door with floating notification 'Closed Door'.

Issue Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pae97vusp0nhx03/Ultimate%20ADOM%20-%20Caverns%20of%20Chaos_2021.08.20-15.05.mp4?dl=0

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