Flashing "Plus" Icon When Skill Points Can't be Allocated

Issue #664 new
Robert Gaines created an issue

The flashing “Plus” icon does not take into account skill points that can’t be allocated. For example, if I have all of the Necromancy skills, but have unspent skill points for Necromancy, because I can’t spend them, the icon will continue to flash - visually prompting me to spend skill points that I can’t spend. I will also add that it bothers me how skill points will continue to be allocated to skill categories that are maxed out. Ideally, I would like to be rewarded for maxing out the skill category. Possible solutions include shifting the skill points to the general category or offering skills that can be purchased multiple times. I have seen several games that take the later approach; when a skill category is maxed out, they will unlock a set of skills which can be taken repeatedly and offer minor stat buffs, etc.

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