Game stuck because of auto exploration

Issue #671 new
Former user created an issue

I somehow managed to crash my game and it loads until the end of time unless I press Alt+F4, which lets me save the game and quit, but on reload after two steps I get stuck again.

Message I get in the Log is [LongApplyEffectAgainAutoExplorationRemoteControlledMessage] and above my character there is the [ShortApplyEffectAgainWalkToPositionRemoteControlledMessage] in red before the game starts showing the "loading circle" in the lower left corner and doesn't react to any input besides Alt+F4 to close it. Game still saved fine but on reload i'm stuck again after two moves. Seems like my character got stuck in auto exploration for some reason and i can't get it out of there anymore and this causes the error.

Version 1.0.0 on Windows 10 Steam.

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