A save file with a list of bugs in my game ver 1.0

Issue #687 resolved
Mike B created an issue

First, sorry for not making a task for each ticket. I could not really save the file and label the bugs as they were found.

*This save actually has a vendor shop a number of floors earlier. I could not melee attack the shop keeper, but I could fire an arrow at him and then murder him. Before the fight, I was able to just loot the items in the shop.

*I was able to buff myself twice with toggle-buffs via placing food over the buff in my hotbar, then recasting it.

*Something is breaking my sneak when I sneak and then attack. Is this weight related? my weight reads as 0 when I sneak?

*Jumping over a trap DOES trigger the trap. Specifically with the teleport traps, but it can also be seen by jumping over chaos runes on the floor.

*While in combat, looting without opening the inventory costs a turn. With the inventory open it does not cost a turn.

*Maybe not a bug, but the fire-shield feels like it drains too much power (I did not specifically test this, but it felt true)

Comments (4)

  1. Jochen Terstiege
    1. shops are now fully deactivated. There was still a slight chance for them popping up.
    2. I’ve fixed this problem
    3. yes, that’s on purpose
    4. You can jump over normal traps. The teleport one is a magical one, so it always triggers. You can now jump over chaos runes.
    5. I could not reproduce this. The turn counter is increased once you close the inventory.
    6. Fixed the “cost per turn” calculation.

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