Game doesn't go beyond CoC floor 6

Issue #693 resolved
Former user created an issue

(I put this issue on Steam forums as well, but no response so far)

I was doing fairly well on my second decent, but when I step on the stairway down to the next floor below the game never leaves the loading screen.

it just says [Stocking the dungeon... please wait], the same one that usually prompt on a first floor access, but this time it never complete. To make things even more odd, I can scroll the cursor around and it will show tooltips of the items/environment around me, over the loading screen. Context menu doesn't work, neither WASD for movement.

If I tinker around I can find my own tile, and right-click on it the game will return to the previous floor I was (Cavern of Chaos floor 6). If I stroll around all previous floors and maps they are fully accessible, but I can't go deeper than this particular stairway.

Comments (7)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    Thanks, that was a big help. You will be able to continue the saved game once we publish an update to the game.

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