Items display different values before/after being picked up

Issue #700 resolved
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

Example screenshots attached: the small mithril shield shows one set of values (DV/PV/etc.) while on the ground, and another set of values after being picked up.

The values after being picked up seem to be the accurate values. Consequently, it is sometimes necessary to pick items up just to examine them.

This reproduces quite frequently, but I could provide a savegame if necessary.

Comments (9)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    Please upload the saved game.

    We know this sometimes happened when you got specific corruptions, but that was already fixed.

  2. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    Hi Jochen, I don’t think so - I check satiation before eating and am only ever bloated by rare mistake, but I encounter this issue very frequently during gameplay. Both in 1.0.0, and on the new build of UADOM that went out this week (which for some reason still shows up as “1.0.0” in-game).

    I’ll get a save uploaded.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    I could reproduce the bug when being bloated.

    Yes, sometimes we do some “silent” updates and keep the current version number (but the build date is updated).

  4. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    @Jochen: The bug just reproduced now, I took a copy of the save and two screenshots showing a robe’s values before it was picked up, and the same robe’s values after it is picked up.

    There is a melee bonus value visible on the robe before it is picked up, but after it is picked up, that bonus value disappears.

    On other occasions, I have seen differences across different combinations of the four item values (DV, PV, melee bonus, missile bonus) before or after being picked up - so the issue doesn’t seem to be confined to any one stat.

    This does appear distinct from the bloating-specific issue you mentioned, since my satiation is only 2055 points.

    Trying to upload screenshots has sometimes made Bitbucket freeze for several minutes today, so instead I’ve put the save and screenshots into a zip here:

  5. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    Just in case it’s helpful, I’ve uploaded a second example. As with the previous example above, it’s from the current ADOM build.

    There are a few items on the ground in that save, but two of them specifically (the iron boots and one of the leather armors, as shown in the two included screenshots) are showing incorrect values while on the ground.

  6. Jochen Terstiege

    We’ve fixed some weapon prefix/postfix definitions that were causing this (the definition was missing the correct scope, so they were always active even when item was not equipped).

    So this should be fixed now, except if we missed some definitions.

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