Fluctuating DV/PV values after applying chaos rune to gauntlets

Issue #706 new
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

I have tried several times to create this issue with the screenshots attached in Bitbucket, but that hasn’t worked (Bitbucket freezes for several minutes and then logs me out), so here is a zip containing the three screenshots and save file: https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20210903kTgON7CB

Bug description below:

I applied a chaos rune to some black gauntlets (first screenshot), unequipped them (second screenshot), then reequipped them (third screenshot). Each time, the DV/PV of the gauntlets appeared different.

Also, in the second screenshot, the DV/PV shown for the gauntlets when I hover my cursor over them (visible on the left of the screen) is different than the DV/PV shown for the same gauntlets in my backpack contents (on the right of the screen).

Perhaps there is meant to be some ‘chaotic’ effect associated with this rune that randomly scrambles the values on a per-turn basis, but I didn’t notice anything in the rune’s description to indicate such an effect.

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