Poisoning is accelerated if player opens tome of knowledge

Issue #716 resolved
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

If the player is poisoned, it is quite natural to check their backpack for anything that might help. But I have noticed that opening & closing the Tome of Knowledge causes the next round of poisoning damage to occur instantly - even if the next round of poisoning damage was not due for several more turns.

The last time I was poisoned, I tried opening & closing the Tome a couple of times in a row to test this. Each time, poisoning damage occurred right away upon closing the Tome.

Comments (7)

  1. Hijacker

    Reproduced it in the tutorial with immolation passive debuff.
    Jump over the lava without the ring of fire immunity and just spam clicking “F” and “Esc” opening and closing the inventory. You will die without passing a turn :)

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    It seems that opening/closing the inventory without any interaction executes “half a turn”. @Team ADOM GmbH

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    We also fixed this from happening when some player actions were cancelled (e.g. if a “jump” or “cast wand” action was not fully executed by selecting a target).

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