'Barbed Shortbow' appears identical to a normal 'Shortbow'

Issue #723 new
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

I recently acquired a ‘Barbed Shortbow’, but I couldn’t see any meaningful difference between its stats/effects and those of a normal non-affixed Shortbow which was also in my inventory - so it wasn’t clear what effect the ‘Barbed' prefix was actually having, if any.

Note: in the attached screenshots, the Shortbow (equipped) appears to have 1d28 attack power while the Barbed Shortbow (unequipped) appears to have a slightly lower 1d27. However, rather than indicating an actual difference between the two items, this seems to be a separate problem where the UI displays different stats for an item if it is unequipped or equipped. Both bows displayed an identical 1d28 attack power when I tried equipping them.

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