Cannot butcher Giant Bee Warrior corpse

Issue #731 resolved
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

I have seen this bug in a couple of games: upon attempting to butcher a Giant Bee Warrior corpse, nothing happens.

Here is a savegame with a Giant Bee Warrior corpse in the backpack which cannot be butchered, despite having a full list of amputatable parts:

Comments (6)

  1. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    Actually, I’ve since tried to butcher other corpses with amputatable parts (e.g. troll, orcs) and nothing has happened either. As yet, no success with butchering anything in this run.

    To be clear about the nature of the problem: if a suitable corpse is right-clicked and the ‘butcher’ option is clicked, the right-click menu with the ‘butcher’ option disappears and nothing else happens. The butchering interface (with buttons for each limb) has never appeared at all.

  2. Robert Gaines

    I have observed this as well. If you use the butcher option from the radial it works, at least for me. It is only the button from the context menu that fails.

  3. Kevin Coghlan reporter

    Thanks Robert, I gave that approach a try and it works - I hadn’t thought of trying the radial.

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