Balancing: PP regain is much too fast

Issue #733 new
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

With a level 6 human wizard character, I noticed that Burning Hands would cost 3 PP to cast. However, this character regains at least 2 PP per turn - including during the turn in which the spell is cast. So in effect, Burning Hands actually costs 1 PP at most. During the occasional turn where 3 PP are regained instead of 2, the spell can be cast for no cost at all.

This character does have skills to reduce the cost of fire spells, along with both skills from the Literacy tree which accelerate PP regain. But considering how easy these skills are to obtain, the low experience level of this character, and the fact that the character does not even belong to one of the more magically adept races, it seems clear that some rebalancing is required.

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Gaines

    I don’t think this is a problem. My guess is that wizards are meant to rely on their low level spells instead of melee.

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