flesh golem nonstop attacked

Issue #739 new
Former user created an issue

I was dropping items on ground and when i closed inventory flesh golem came out of dark room and nonstop attacked like 50+- times till i died had 60+ armor and dodge full hp and no debuffs or curses

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Gaines

    The source of this, from what I have seen, is that things happening in the main view pause while you are taking inventory actions and then when the inventory closes enemies get free turns for each “turn” you took taking actions in the inventory screen. I would actually rate this as a “major” bug, especially for new players who are unaware of the issue.

  2. Robert Gaines

    In the original ADOM, multi-turn actions (such as eating), would offer you the chance to cancel the action if an enemy moved into view or took another that impacted the player. I think that is a possible solution here - queue inventory management actions and then offer the player a chance to cancel the queue when a monster attacks, moves into view, etc.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    I can’t reproduce this.

    I stand next to a flesh golem, the turn count is 162. I open the inventory and pick up/drop items for some time.
    I close the inventory, the turn count is 163 now and the flesh golem attacks me once.

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