Weapon Style is unclear when wielding two-handed weapon and shield

Issue #742 new
Kevin Coghlan created an issue

Under the ‘Fighting Styles’ skill tree, there is a ‘Weapon & Shield Style’ and a ‘Two-Handed Weapon Style’. The overview text for the skill tree suggests that these fighting styles are distinct from each other, and the separate skill lines allow the player to specialize in one or the other.

But, if the player grafts on a third arm, they can wield a two-handed weapon and a shield. The game doesn’t make it clear which weapon style is applicable to the player then. Would the bonuses from both the ‘Weapon & Shield’ and ‘Two-Handed Weapon’ styles be applied together? Or would just one of the styles apply - and if so, which one?

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Gaines

    My understanding is that the bonuses apply all the time, with the exception of dual-wielding. Dual-wielding doesn’t add a bonus, but instead reduces the penalties associated with wielding multiple weapons, at least that is my understanding.

  2. Hijacker

    I think, the system is not clear at this part. Actually with 4 hands you can have two-handed weapon, shield, and one-handed weapon of another type at the same time. It’s clear if all the bonuses will be applied. But what about penalties?

    And what about some skills and abilities which should be applied if player wields the weapon of specific type?

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