Nintendo Switch Version Unable to save game and Random crashes

Issue #816 new
Former user created an issue

The game will crash with error code “The software was closed because an error occurred“ when saving approximately 80% of save game attempts. I have lost hours of progress with this glitch, and make progression almost impossible Loading levels is also quite slow also crashes the game quite often or the game will hang on the loading screen forever. The game often also loads a level for approx. 3 minutes then crashes to “The software was closed because an error occurred” Secondly the game is running very poorly – it often freezes for 1-2 seconds when moving or fighting monsters and then catches up, I have tried changing the animation speed which makes no difference. I have started new games, changed the mode to predefined character, Custom and Random character but the issues persist in all modes. Sadly these issues make the game unplayable. My switch is up to date on system software 15.0.1

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