Add some way of moving or further zooming out the map/minimap

Issue #85 resolved
Grond created an issue

There’s no way to see the entire level layout at once. Some way to zoom out or pan the minimap would be nice. Being able to move and zoom out further on the main map would also be useful.

Comments (6)

  1. Krzysztof Dycha

    I’ll prepare some UI for this, but hooking it up with proper focus selection etc. is a different beast. Need to discuss first.
    Moved responsibility to a more knowledgable Entity 😉

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    We should also add a tooltip with a legend that explains the different colors used in the minimap.

  3. Jochen Terstiege

    We went a different way with this and added a window showing the full map. You can open it with a click on the minimap.

    We’ve also added a legend describing the different colors used. Further plans include filters and more controls (like zoom, scrolling, whatever).

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