ASCII Graphics issues

Issue #90 resolved
Uriah Otting created an issue

When in ASCII mode, some of the walls would show up as 3-D stacks of # and some were static.

Mud looks like it should be lava based on the bright red color.

Comments (7)

  1. Jochen Terstiege
    1. you mean some walls are 3D and some are not? Do you have a screenshot?
    2. I think the colors are fine:



  2. Uriah Otting reporter

    I’ll see if I can get a screenshot of the walls.

    I agree that mud looks fine. When I encountered it, it was showing up as bright red like the magma tile. though with only one squiggle on it. There was some shallow water in the middle of the room that was also showing up as magma with the two squiggles.

  3. Uriah Otting reporter

    Here is another one I found. Here the bridge is shown going over the water but in the graphical version you can only see the bridge. Also, the big red circle to the right is a whirlpool looking thing in graphics and it seems like it should also be blue in the ASCII version.

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    I've fixed the wall problem.

    Regarding the "layering" of ASCII symbols: the current implementation puts everything on top of each other (like the bridge on top of the water), which is correct. We might decide to change this though.

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