Missing Mesh - Iron Maiden

Issue #95 resolved
PJ Barth created an issue

I opened a door to a room and could not move into the door’s space so I moved backwards to see if I could still move at all. I was able to move backwards but I couldn’t move back to the previous spot I was in, and that’s when I noticed it had been making the sound that happens when you try to move into an object. So I right clicked on the spot and it said I could smash the iron maiden, which I did. When I tried to move again there was another invisible object so I right clicked and found there was a cauldron and smashed that as well. After that I was able to move into the spot and into the room.

I’m not sure what this falls under as it is a graphical error but unusual because it’s not like there was any monster moving the objects into me so there’s something wrong with objects moving on their own as well.

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