Example simulate residential

Example script to start simulation of residential storage. Calling of subclass residential for specific application of increasing a prosumer's self-consumption.



Preparing MATLAB

Setting up Matlab search path and global helping variables.

% Global helping variables for conversion
gvarYEARS2SECONDS   = 3600 * 24 * 365;  % helping variable to convert between years and seconds
gvarDAYS2SECONDS    = 3600 * 24;        % helping variable to convert between days and seconds
gvarKWH2WS          = 3600e3;           % helping variable to convert between kWh and Ws

% Run script to add required subfolders to MATLAB's search path.

Input profiles

Load chosen profile data into workspace. Used function checks for errors. If given load profiles do not exist in folder, please download from SimSES Bitbucket download area before or during the function call.

localFilesFolder    = '01_ProfileData';
generationProfile   = returnInputProfile(...
                        'profileFileName',      'PV_EEN_Power_Munich_2014.mat', ...
                        'profileServerPath',    'https://bitbucket.org/Team_SES/opensimses/downloads/', ...
                        'localFilesFolder',     localFilesFolder, ...
                        'verifyHashCode',       false);

loadProfile         = returnInputProfile(...
                        'profileFileName',      'EEN_100_RES_Load_Profiles_1min_1a.mat', ...
                        'profileServerPath',    'https://bitbucket.org/Team_SES/opensimses/downloads/', ...
                        'localFilesFolder',     localFilesFolder, ...
                        'verifyHashCode',       false, ...
                        'profileNumber',        1);

Configuration of simulation

Setting of necessary input parameters. Structs hold parameters with according fieldnames. Struct fieldnames cannot be changed.

Simulation parameters

Simulation parameters inputSim. Sample time, simulated time and logging flags are set here.

inputSim.simStart           = 0 * gvarDAYS2SECONDS;         % [s] starting time of simulation

inputSim.simEnd             = 1 * gvarYEARS2SECONDS;        % [s] end time of simulation
inputSim.sampleTime         = 5 * 60;                       % [s] sample time of simulation

inputSim.loadProfileLength  = 1 * gvarYEARS2SECONDS;        % [s] length of input load profile
inputSim.genProfileLength   = 1 * gvarYEARS2SECONDS;        % [s] length of input generation profile

inputSim.plotFrom           = inputSim.simStart;            % [s] starting time of plot
inputSim.plotTo             = inputSim.simEnd;              % [s] last time to be included in plot
inputSim.plotTimeUnit       = 'days';                       % [-] depicts time unit for plotting (ticks of x-axis)

inputSim.saveResults        = false;                        % TRUE: the variables will be saved in a .mat-file
inputSim.logBatteryEcOutput = false;                        % TRUE: all output values of equivalent circuit (EC) model are logged
inputSim.logAgingResults    = false;                        % TRUE: all output values of _agingStress_ are logged

Technical parameters

Technical parameters inputTech. Check fieldnames of variable to set desired desired values.

inputTech = techParamStdPVHomeStorage();                    % generates standard struct for required parameters

Modify standard technical parameters:

Household configuration is changed from standard case.

inputTech.PVPeakPower           = 10e3;                     % [W] installed capacity of photovoltaic unit
inputTech.batteryNominalEnergy  = 4 * gvarKWH2WS;           % [Ws] single value or array
inputTech.PVCurtailment         = 0.5;                      % [p.u.] max. feed-in power (kW) per kW installed PV capacity

Choose control strategy / operation strategy (OS). In this case conventional greedy strategy for maximum self-consumption rate is utilized for simulation.

inputTech.storageOS             = @OSPVHomeGreedy;          % available OS (found in classfolder ('/06_Subfunctions/operationStrategies/')

Determine aging model and battery type

inputTech.agingModelType        = 'clfp_goebel';                % aging model
inputTech.batteryType           = 'CLFP_Sony_US26650_Experiment_OCV_R'; % battery type

Creating advanced parameter

Run script that uses pre-determined input parameters to generate more complicated input data (price development, efficiency curves, ...)


Generate object and run simulation

Call class constructor method to generate object. Constructor is executed with parameter value pair method of MATLAB.

ees = residential(  'inputSim',         inputSim,       ...
                    'inputTech',        inputTech,      ...
                    'inputProfiles',    inputProfiles,  ...
                    'inputForecast',    inputForecast   );

Run simulation with generated object.

disp('Start Matlab Simulation')         % Display start of simulation at command window
ees = runStorage( ees );                      % call run storage method for simulation run
disp('Simulation complete');

Evaluation and analysis of results

Call evaluation functions for analysis of simulation.

ees = evalTechnicalResidential( ees );  % calculate technical assessment values

Economic calculations

After technical simulation, economic assumptions can be modified and the system's economic value assessed for the specific application.

Economic parameters

Generate economic parameters economicInput.

% generates standard struct for required parameters
inputEconomics = econParamStdPVHomeStorage();

Modify standard economic parameters: Depreciation period set to simulated time.

inputEconomics.general.depreciationPeriod = ceil(ees.inputSim.simEnd / gvarYEARS2SECONDS);

Create cost for storage system.

inputEconomics = createStorageCosts( inputEconomics );

create application specific economic parameters

inputEconomics = createElectricityPrices( inputEconomics );
inputEconomics = createFeedInRemuneration( inputEconomics );

Calculate economic results

Calculate economic key figures (LCOE, NPV, ...) with method of residential class.

ees = evalEconomics( ees, inputEconomics );

Plotting and saving of data

Plotting of profiles (power flows, SOC, SOH) for quick analysis.

plotStorageData( ees, 'figureNo',       1,                                      ...
                        'timeFrame',    [inputSim.plotFrom inputSim.plotTo],    ...
                        'timeUnit',     inputSim.plotTimeUnit                   );

plotResidentialProfile( ees, 'figureNo', 2,                                      ...
                        'timeFrame',    [inputSim.plotFrom inputSim.plotTo],    ...
                        'timeUnit',     inputSim.plotTimeUnit                   );

Saving workspace variables. Save ees object.

if inputSim.saveResults == 1
    save('07_Results\EES_Test.mat', 'ees');
    disp('Results saved.')