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Welcome to LoECraft!

What is this?

LoECraft is a mod that adds both several MMORPG elements, as well as inspired features from the up and coming game, Legends of Equestria (LoE.) LoE is a brony game and, as such, contains many equine-themed elements such as allowing players to become an Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus.

Among its other features are a unique, progressive combat-ability system that truly makes Minecraft feel like an MMORPG. Each race has a set of specializations called Alignments that they can level up to increase either their Offense, Defense, or Utility toolsets. Beyond those are other stats that you can level up to become more powerful in other various ways. Enemies have also been made much tougher and separated into ranks. Watch out for the deadly Rank 1 enemies that may just show up out of nowhere!

Another addition is the currency: Bits. They are awarded for completing quests, killing monsters, and completing achievements. They are dropped in the world as actual coins that you can either carry around with you if you feel like showing off, or stored in your bank account if you venture back to the main town. You can use them in shops also found in various towns or wandering NPCs.

Other additions such as custom beds, Zap Apple Trees/Jam, Everfree Forest, Timberwolves, custom quest/shop/dialog interface and mechanics, and much more are also included.

How you can help

Please join our website and stay tuned. Announcements of our progress are put out every 1-2 weeks. If that's not good enough for you, you can ask questions on our forum and we'll get back as soon as we can. Feel free to suggest features and other mods to be added to our server.


  • Tekner Author
  • Rundo Developer
