Tech requirement for Puppet States

Issue #124 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

It no longer requires to be the same as Vassal States. See:

A new prerrequisite tech should be decided. It should ideally become available earlier than Vassal States (they are currently available at Code of Laws, along with Puppet States).

Comments (7)

  1. lfgr

    IIRC at the moment an earlier prereq tech for puppet states is not possible, since it needs vassal states enabled.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    With "vassal states enabled" do you mean to have the technology that puppet states require both their own technology and the technology that enables vassal states? With regard to the game option, puppet states are enabled by default in ExtraModMod.

  3. lfgr

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think there was somebody asking on civfanatics why puppet states didn't work, and the answer was that vassal states were disabled. All I wanted to say is you maybe have to edit the DLL to do this.

  4. joseasoler reporter

    I checked and it seems that the DLL code that linked puppet states to vassals is commented out, so it is possible to define them separately. Having said that, I finally settled on making Puppet States enabled by both code of laws (where vassals currently are) and deception.

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