Change AI XP bonuses in bigger difficulties

Issue #220 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Suggested by [to_xp]Gekko and Qgqqqqq in the forum thread (around page 34).

Comments (6)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    I usually never play with difficulties higher than Prince, so I wasn't planning on deciding the changes myself. I wanted to ask about this at the forum thread in order to get more detailed feedback, so yes, that would be welcome :)

  2. joseasoler reporter
    • changed version to 0.5.0

    Thank you for your answer :)

    For starters I would do it by difficulty only. I will include 6/4/3/2/1 (D/I/E/M/P) in the next version. I see your point and using eras makes sense, but adding the eras code would be low priority until the last big features (victory sharing, new rewards, animals and monsters and multibarb) are finished.

    ExtraModMod uses the More Naval AI era system. At the beginning of coding my mod I considered using Erebus in the Balance system (it makes more sense and the tech tree looks gorgeous) but I faced some issue I don't remember anymore after all these years. It could be the lack of access to some DLL change, or maybe More Naval AI uses its system for some AI stuff, I'm not sure.

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