Erebus in the Balance merge

Issue #222 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

ExtraModMod contains only a few of EitB 10 changes, while EitB is already at version 11.1 I should evaluate and decide which changes to port into EMM.

EDIT: Don't forget to update the credits.

Comments (5)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Thank you! I finally settled on implementing all EitB changes for 0.5.0. This will be one of the last tasks I'll tackle, as it will probably take a while :)

    With regard to the dll: once you decide to tackle dll code, feel free to grab ExtraModMod's makefile. It is a modified version of this one (, but improved with some changes that lfgr suggested. If you are interested in using any of the DLL expansions included in ExtraModMod (such as the Adventurer Counter, as Tasunke mentioned here:, let me know and I can point to the specific points in the code that include each feature and help with any possible compiling problems.

    If you are planning to merge with More Naval AI, you could also consider moving the source code to a version control system, such as Mercurial (which is the one I use). This does not have to mean moving the source code to a public repository like this one (although it certainly helps a lot); you could keep the repository locally.

    The main advantage is being able to pull changes from Tholal's repository directly, letting Mercurial do all the tedious work of merging. It will only complain in parts of the code which have been modified on both the mod and MNAI since the last merge; those are the only ones that it cannot handle automatically. For example; the merge of MNAI 2.6 into a version of ExtraModMod which used 2.53 took me less than 10 minutes. If you know the exact MNAI version in which EitB is based, this method could also be used to simplify the initial merge.

    The downside is that you need to learn a bit about version control and Mercurial itself to use this. The learning curve can be a bit steep if you have never used version control, but the effort ends up being worthwhile.

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