Review other modmods

Issue #10 resolved
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

Originally Posted by [to_xp]Gekko
and you could take a look at some of the other modmods like lone wolf's, paradeigma, acetum cucumbis and tweakmod. for example Tweakmod's change to give nomad a small fire resistance to let units walk through flames is pretty cool, especially if obsidian plains are brought back.

Comments (5)

  1. joseasoler reporter

    Interesting stuff from TweakMod:

    *Great Commanders can build Code of Junil.

    *Demagogs will spawn from Enclaves. (Sounds like a bugfix that should go to MNAI)

    *Burning sands give +1 commerce to the Malakim.

    *Nomad gives +10% fire resistance. If you want to do Malakim-Veil in a desert area, go nuts

    *Samhain now gives a temporary happiness in Illian cities.

    *Mimics no longer steal Rusted. <-- Check and fix.

    *When Calabim raze cities, Vampires on the tile act as if they feasted it to death. <--- It would be nice if I could import this.

    *Clan of Embers gets +1 from Marsh. This means they'll treat them as if they were Grassland.

    *Sidar have a new racial promotion: Shade. Shade gives +10% withdrawal chance, Immunity to Death Damage, and Immunity to Capture.

    *Sidar gain the Hidden trait. Hidden makes units with no strength value invisible within the player's borders. This includes settlers, workers, slaves, and all Great people.

    Temple of the Empyrean now gives +20% , instead of +10% . Monks can upgrade to Confessors, Vicars, Stonewardens and Priests of Leaves.

    Gibbon Goethia's special ability is useless in MP. Substituting it for the ability to steal promotions as this ModMod does may be a good solution.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    Stuff from Acetum Cucumbis:

    *New ritual for Sidar: Wane citizens. 80 production costs, requires Necromancy, the city looses 4 population and produces 2 shades.

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