Religious Tech Tree issues

Issue #143 resolved
Former user created an issue

Given the current design of the religious tech tree, I would recommend allowing Rage as an additional OrPrereq for Divine Essence (current OrPrereqs are Commune with Nature, Theology, Righteousness, and Malevolent Designs)

Additionally, Paladins and Eidolons (at Fanatacism) are currently 160 hammers, which makes them uniquely viable as a tier4 unit, being both low in tech and low in costs. I would recommend increasing the costs to 240 hammers just like all other tier 4 units.

Comments (8)

  1. joseasoler repo owner

    Given that Rage is a rarely researched technology in my experience and what you say about the tech tree design, I agree with your first point.

    With regard to Paladins and Eidolons, their reduction in cost comes from EitB. This always felt to me like an appropiate change because with the strength reduction to allow them to use metals they are somewhat lacking, although I don't know the specific reasons EitB had for it.

    By the way, I have disabled creation of issues from anonymous users. It is somewhat confusing not to know who I'm talking with :)

  2. Tasunke Witka

    Strength Reduction? Paladins and Eidolons are out and out stronger than Knights. IIRC the strengths are 12 for Paladins and 13 for Eidolons.

  3. joseasoler repo owner

    From the feature list (

    Eidolons are available at Fanaticism. Cost reduced from 240 to 160. Combat reduced from 11 to 8. They can use weapons from all tiers.

    Paladins require Fanaticism instead of Righteousness. Cost reduced from 240 to 160. Combat reduced from 11 to 8. They can use weapons from all tiers.

  4. Tasunke Witka

    Paladins are 8 str +3 holy str, or 11 str in other words

    Eidolons are 8 str +4 unholy str, or 12 str in other words.

    Knights, for instance, are 11/7 before metals, while Paladins are 11/11 and Eidolons are 12/12. And fanatacism is far cheaper than Warhorses, even with the cost reductions. I would believe that the tech jump was reason enough for the change in strength ... as currently they seem to be quite efficient soldiers in terms of tech and hammers, and of course aren't going to be accessible by Neutral leaders who have to wait until Commune w/ Nature to get Druids ... except the Grigori who have an almost impossible task of getting lv6 rangers + Strength of Will to get Luanottar.

    Luannotar are only 10 str, and currently have no useful spells, and yet are at strength of will? and a level 6 requirement? If nothing else, simply move Luannotar to Fanaticism and remove the level requirement.

  5. joseasoler repo owner

    You are right about their strength. I wonder why EitB reduced their cost then. I'll move them back to 240 hammers.

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