Improved Deepening

Issue #146 new
joseasoler repo owner created an issue

From lfgr in

The Deepening could not immediately terraforming the whole world temporary, but start spreading snow/tundra and maybe even ice on water like hell terrain spreads; maybe starting from your Temples of Winter, with an increasing speed as you build more of them. This would allow the following: Aquilians, Nive and Frostlings spawn only on ice and tundra after Samhain is completed. Aquilians and Nive could require additional technologies and not be able to leave the mentioned terrains. This way the Illians could work to spread "cold" terrain (there probably should be more modifiers than only the number of Temples), to let these "cold" barbarians, with which they are at peace, threaten they're neighbours. But this certainly needs to be elaborated, and is low priority.

This change should probably include this alternate behavior for blizzards:

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Maybe frostling-type units could have ice affinity, and be recruitable by Illians.

    It would require more fleshing out of that line though.

  2. joseasoler reporter

    The current long term plan is to split barbarians into different factions and have the Illian in peace with the "Winter" barbarians. Frostlings would be the main units of this new barbarian faction. See and

    In relation to this, in development versions Auric Ascended got a new spell that animates barbarian frostlings all over the world among other changes (see

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